Every woman is a mom or a future mom. Like, really?
Three movement laboratories. Three choreographers. One director. Up to 15 performers, eight adults and as many as seven children aged five months to five years (children do grow up…)
Exploring the contrast between reality and expectations, experimental performance Peeping Janes fuses elements of contemporary circus, dance and physical theatre and also features aerial acrobatics on a suspended rope mesh.
"I wouldn't mind a dip in the ocean. But we're going to the mountains. We're going on a trip. Together. To Bethlehem. We need an opinion on body temperature. My butt's freezing. Those curtains were supposed to go in the living room. We're reminiscing about Grandpa. She's had no chance to enjoy her baby yet. It's Katka's fault."
Director and artistic supervisor: Martina Hajdyla Lacová
Movement laboratories: Markéta Vacovská, Cécile da Costa, Eliška Brtnická
Acrobatics supervisor: Stéphanie N'Duhirahe
Performers: Jiřina Jonáková, Kateřina Klusáková, Kateřina Vaněčková, Klára Hajdinová, Michaela Stará, Pavla Rožníčková, Stéphanie N'Duhirahe, Veronika Smolková, Auro, Borek, Dorka, Lío, Nela, Róza and Sára
Stage and costume design: Lucia Škandíková
Music: Ivo Sedláček
Light design: Karlos Šimek
Promo photo, video: Tristan Ben Mahjoub
Trailer, video: Nina Ščamborová
Photo: Vojtěch Brtnický
Production managers: Jana Ada Kubíčková, Pavla Rožníčková
Project partners: CIRQUEON – A Center for Contemporary Circus, KD Mlejn, Prague City Hall, Czech Culture Fund, Czech Ministry of Culture
Have you ever tried looking around yourself in the street and trying to imagine the story of every person you see? We are all heroes, we all have our adventures, we are all hiding some secrets. Heroines have a major secret they want to let you have a peek at using an unusual form of aerial acrobatics combined with elements of physical theater and mime. Inspired by the heroes of the everyday-life comic book.
Cirkus TeTy is a contemporary-circus company which focuses on aerial acrobatics on ropes and continues its successful cooperation with Radim Vizváry. After Goose Necks, the first show created in this cooperation, it's Heroines time. Ropes are tangled into the shapes of an unfinished ladder and an irregular net and physical TeTyism lives on...
Performers: Katka Klusáková and Pavla Rožníčková
Directed and supervised by: Radim Vizváry
Acrobatics supervision: Stéphanie N'Duhirahe
Music: Matěj Kroupa
Light design: Karel Šimek
Costumes: Petra Vlachynská
Still photography: Tristan Ben Mahjoub, Michal Hančovský
Production manager: Jana Ada Kubíčková
Premiere: June 2, 2017, CirkUff, Trutnov
The performance was created as a part of the residency program of CIRQUEON – A Center for Contemporary Circus and with support of the State Fund for Culture of The Czech Republic and the Prague City Hall.

like it that you take off your tank top the same way I do. For real? High heels on ropes, aerial acrobatics and physical tetyosis. Seven heads plus two of our own. That's what it's about: we are what we are. But what are we? Geese!
Featuring: Katka Klusáková and Pavla Rožníčková
Director and supervisor: Radim Vizváry
Music: Matouš Hejl
Light design: Karel Šimek
Heads: Jan Kreml
Production manager: Jana Ada Kubíčková
Premiere: April 15, 2015, Jatka 78, Prague
The performance was created in the residency program of CIRQUEON – A Center For Contemporary Circus and with the support of the State Culture Fund of the Czech Republic, the Prague City Hall and Život Umělce foundation.
Right now, we're in love with Bedřich. Both of us. And yes, it sucks. Come see for yourselves what is leads to. Come to our place to check out how Mrs. lives with Mrs. We have a mobile mirror, hanging ropes and also a telephone. Do you think he's gonna call?
A contemporary-circus performance featuring acrobatics on the double cloud - a unique technique in the Czech Republic - and a fusion of theater, acrobatics and ska music by the Prague-based Basta Fidel band.
Featuring: Katka Klusáková a Pavla Rožníčková
CHoreographer: Marie Bayerová
Music: Basta Fidel a Fidel Castro
Sound: Jana Ada Kubíčková
Set and costume design: Kateřina Loukotová
Design: Táňa Niklová Kynclová
Photo: Vojtěch Brtnický
Premiere: 2. 3. 2013, Fun Fatale, Prague
The performance was created in the residency program of CIRQUEON – A Center For Contemporary Circus and with the support of KD Mlejn